About me

My name is Benjamin Piouffle, I'm a fullstack developer who graduated from the French engineering school Epitech. I also studied for one year at the California State University of Long Beach (USA).

I am currently working full-time as a CTO for the Open Finance Consortium, a nonprofit developing Open Collective, an open-source platform that helps communities achieve financial sustainability.

I am also the founder of CaptainFact, a French nonprofit organization developing open-source and collaborative, real-time fact-checking tools for citizens, media organizations, and educational institutions.

I am not available for hire.



UDN: MOOC about organic governance (holocracy, self-sovereignty...)
edX: MOOC about media literacy, by Arizona State University

October 2011 – August 2016

Epitech (France)

First year: C, UNIX systems, security, SQL
Second year: C++, Web security, network
Third year: Advanced C++, Java, business science
Fifth year: Artificial intelligence, evolution programming, personal projects

October 2014 – June 2015

California State University of Long Beach (USA)

First semester: English
Second semester: Security, Java, Operating Systems, Web Design


Favorite Technologies

Software programming


Operating systems / Platforms

Databases & query languages

Web programming



French (native)
English (fluent)
Italian (basic)


Project Management
Agile / Scrum
Remote work

Work Experience

November 2018 - Present

Open Collective – Fullstack Developer

Main technologies: NodeJS, GraphQL, Apollo, React

January 2017 - Present

CaptainFact – Fullstack Developer

Main technologies: Elixir, Phoenix, Absinthe, GraphQL, Apollo, React, Redux, WebExtension

September 2015 – September 2016

Factset – Fullstack Developer

Main technologies: C++, C#, Python

September 2013 – June 2014

Numvision – Java / J2EE Developer

Numvision is a company located in the south of France that provides files backup and synchronisation solutions for companies. My work mainly consisted of improving the main company's product "Numsync", creating a REST API and automatizing the build of mobile applications.

Main technologies: Java / J2EE, REST API, Android and IOS builds

July 2012 – December 2012

E­Frogg – Web Developer Internship

Internship at E­Frogg, a web agency. Development of a SEO analysis tool and work on various websites.

Main technologies: HTML, Javascript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL



Internet is filled with rich and abundant data. Information travels fast and we don't have the time to check that everything we see and hear is correct.
CaptainFact is a social platform that allows people to debate and help each other to verify that data by sourcing it, voting and chatting about facts.

Technologies: Elixir, Phoenix, GraphQL, React, Redux, WebExtension

Et si demain...

Et si demain... is a citizen debate platform designed to facilitate discussions about New Caledonia's 2018 independence referendum. The platform features short videos (under 30 seconds) where speakers present individual arguments, ideas, or questions. A team of journalists verifies and sources the citizens' contributions, ensuring all arguments are fact-based.

The project was conceived during Noumea's first Hackathon by a team consisting of two journalists, a motion designer, and myself as the developer. It has since evolved to involve two news organizations and launched to the public in January 2018.

Technologies: React, GatsbyJS, GraphQL

Democracy Watcher

This project aims to provide a set of tools to monitor a democratic entity. This entity can be a country, a city council or your organization. You can get a preview of the front-end with fake data on this link.

Technologies: ES6, React

More on Github
